Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter is Here!

Bob Burrows - Misty Mountains View

The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and the official start of the winter season. Throughout history, its significance has varied from culture to culture and place to place. Stonehenge, that strange assortment of giant rocks, may have been a calendar. The winter solstice sunset aligns visually through the British structure and was possibly used to mark the New Year.  For many, the shortening nights and returning sun symbolized rebirth and fresh starts. Although the days will now start to grow longer, we’ll still have a few months of the coldest weather of the year before we really warm up. So what does winter mean to you? Is it time to head up to the slopes and get back to skiing, or will you be cooped up inside hibernating through the season. Maybe the Solstice is a reminder that Christmas is almost here, and you really need to finish up your holiday shopping! Are you fretting over the prospects of the slushy slippery roads, or excited about the possibility of an exponential growth in the population of… snowmen. Whatever your plans are this season it’s important to stay safe.

Jessie Cook - Let it Snow

Around this time last year we talked about winterization and winter safety.  If you’re like me and new to Washington’s winters, I encourage you to go back and take a look at these valuable tips. If not already evident by the power outages caused by recent storms in the Lake Wenatchee/Plain area, winter can be a precarious time and it’s important to be prepared.

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