Well its official, in spite of the thin layer of white stuff on the ground this morning, it’s now spring! Although it felt like spring came quite a bit early this year, today is the Vernal Equinox. The days have grown longer and nights shorter to the point that they are now approximately the same and winter is officially over. As it continues to warm up outside, we can expect to see the hills turn green, and wildflowers popping up all over the place. If you haven’t already, it’s the perfect time to dust off your hiking shoes and get outside.
I recently took a trip to explore one of our nearby wildlife areas and found myself in awe of the already vibrantly green landscape once there. Ancient Lakes just outside of Quincy, Washington and is managed by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. It was a relatively short (no more than a few miles) and mostly flat walk from the trailhead to the lake where a frozen waterfall has now thawed and is pouring into the lake. If you’re looking for a spot to take in some of the early spring scenery this is a great place to visit. Its state owned land so make sure to bring your Discover pass. If you’re looking to do some hiking a little closer to town, check out Saddle Rock or Jacobson Preserve. April 1st, the Chelan Douglas Land Trust will open all trails (CDLT trails north of 5th street are currently closed).
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